Thinking in C++ Notes (11)
Chapter 11: References & the Copy-Constructor
- C++中void*指针赋值给其他类型指针必须显示转换
- Reference Rules:
- must be initialized when it is created
- Once initialized, it cannot be changed to refer another object
- You cannot have NULL references
- when passing argument, const reference is the first choice
Copy-Constructor : Type(const Type&)
- it is essential to control passing and returning of user-defined types by value during function calls
- In C and C++, arguments are pushed on the stack from right to left
- If a function returns large objects, the return address is pushed before making the function call
- the compiler can create a temporary object whenever it needs one to properly evaluate an expression
- the compiler will automatically synthesize a copy-constructor if you don't provide one yourself
- Memberwise initialization: to create a copy-constructor for a class that uses composition or inheritance, the compiler recursively calls the copy-constructors for all the member objects and base classes
- Declare a private copy-constructor, pass-by-value is then prevented
- when you pass the address of an argument to modify, using pointer instead of reference is better for the reader to follow
Pointers to members
int ObjClass::*pointerToMember = &ObjClass::a;
ObjClass obj, *objp;
obj.*poinerToMember = 1;
objp->*pointerToMember = 2;
void (ObjClass::*pointerToMemberFunction)(int) = &ObjClass::func;
a pointer-to-member must always be bound to an object when it is dereferenced
Last modified on 2007-06-21